TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Rear Subframe Bushings: Diagnosis for Replacement
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Subject Rear Subframe Bushings: Diagnosis for Replacement
Posted by Gordo 96NA Daytona on April 21, 2018 at 10:20 AM
  This message has been viewed 389 times.
Message I'm changing rear shocks and hardware leaving the suspension is unloaded with the rear sway bar out. So I'm taking this opportunity to inspect all the rear driveline and subframe bushings

The procedure is to visually examine to insure they are intact, w/ no gaps, no crumbling or degraded rubber, etc. Then I use a pry bar to wiggle them in both planes; their axis of movement, and then perpendicular to stress them sideways against their housings, looking for any kind of extra movement. So far they all look solid and functional with no discernible deflection.

Is this typical? To have two hundred thousand miles and all the rear bushes all in good working order? Or am I just not stressing the members hard enough to see the problem?

Checking the front was easier and all the pickup points were also tight; except the OEM bushings on either end of the FUCA. They were replaced with Whitehead elastomeric pieces when I added the 300 Degree Camber Kit.

I will replace the four (4) differential bushings, regardless of their perceived condition, because they are a known weak point; and when I drop the subframe this summer, I'll probably replace the four (4) subframe to body bushes.

My question is: Am I missing something obvious here? Or it it just my good luck to have a car that was never abused and collected almost all its mileage on a relative smooth Interstate road surface?


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